World Day Of Social Justice Instagram Post

World Day Of Social Justice Instagram Post

World Day of Social Justice is an international day held every year on February 20. It aims to raise awareness about promoting social justice, such as gender inequality, human rights and social protection. Governments and different organizations will come together to discuss how to address inequalities.

Here is an Instagram post designed to promote World Day of Social Justice. The design is created in dark green color tone. Illustration of a lawyer is placed in the middle part of the post, representing the idea of "justice". At the bottom of the design, we can see the slogan of the design. Text content of the post are written in different font, making the design more attractive. Thinking that the font style does not fit your needs? Edit it by the Instagram post maker of Visual Paradigm Online. We can also edit other elements as they are all editable, including the illustration, color tone and also the icons. Composition of the design is also editable. Try it now and create design for World Day of Social Justice!

Want to find more designs about World Day of Social Justice? Go to Visual Paradigm Online, pick the templates you like in the template library and start your creation now!

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Instagram Post Template Specifications:
Esta plantilla de post de Instagram se puede personalizar para crear un diseño que se adapte a sus necesidades. Puede editar el contenido, reemplazar la imagen (s), cambiar los colores, añadir o eliminar bloques de diseño y mucho más.
Dominant Color
1080 x 1080 px

World Day Of Social Justice

Date: 20 Feb 2021

A Call for Social Justice in the Digital Economy

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